Red's 100 Days Cozy Mushroom Island
Here's a list of the Mods(M) & Texture Packs(T) I used
for the 100 Days Cozy Mushroom Video.
I used Forge 1.18.2 (Java) & Complementary Shaders Unbound.
The world seed is 752581835846313002 and My base cords were: X 3633, Z -6358
(M) Shroom Dealers
(M) Sophisticated backpacks
(M) Sophisticated Core
(M) TerraBlender
(M) Another Furniture
(M) Biomes O' Plenty
(M) Caelus API
(M) Pehkui
(M) Canary
(M) Chipped
(M) Collective
(M) Configured
(M) ConnectedTexturesMod
(M) Creep Overhaul
(M) Curious API
(M) Day Counter
(M) Entity Culling
(M) FallingTree
(M) Fastload
(M) Flower Pots Plus
(M) GeckoLib
(M) Just Enough Items (JEI)
(M) Just Zoom
(M) Konkrete
(M) Mushroom Quest
(M) Nature's Compass
(M) Origins
(M) Origins++
(M) Passive Shield
(M) Patchouli
(M) Portable Mobs
(M) Saturn
(M) SuperMartijn642's Core Lib
(M) XL packets
(T) Sporeling
(T) Mushies
(T) Fresh Animations (Modrinth)
(T) Sugrcube Custom paintings (Planet Minecraft)
(T) Rope ladders with vines (Planet Minecraft)
(T) Mushroom Stew Hunger Bar (Planet Minecraft)
(T) Mossy GUI (Planet Minecraft)
(T) Extra Villagers (Optifine, Planet Minecraft)
(T) Fungified (Planet Minecraft)